Graco Stroller | FastAction Fold Jogger Review

Graco® has been one of the leading manufacturers of baby products and strollers for years. So it’s no surprise that they would create a jogging stroller, which is perfect for outdoor running and walking. The Graco FastAction™ Fold Jogging Stroller combines two products into one – an everyday stroller and an active lifestyle jogging stroller.

What features do we like? What features don’t we like? Read on to find out!

What We Like

If you’re in the market for a jogging stroller that includes features to make your life easier, this may be a perfect choice.

For the parents, there is a parent console with cup holders, a cradle for your phone, and a storage compartment. This is perhaps our team’s favorite feature, the one-handed fold. Grab the handle hidden in the stroller seat and just pull up. Plus, it can stand on its own once fully folded. Graco calls it the “one-second fold” and we can attest to that!

Staying with the one-handed features, the reclining seat can be adjusted to four positions with one hand. It may seem trivial or not worth mentioning, but when you’re dealing with a child, every convenience counts in our book.

It also has a large storage basket underneath, it will be able to carry practically all the essentials for your little one. Whether it’s for a day at the beach or a picnic at the park.

The very large canopy provides maximum sun protection for your child. The mesh vents prevent hot air from building up in the stroller on a hot day. And we all like having a peek-a-boo window built into a canopy, don’t we?

For the parents, there is a parent console with cup holders, a cradle for your phone, and a storage compartment.

This is perhaps our team’s favorite feature, the one-handed fold. Grab the handle hidden in the stroller seat and just pull up. Plus, it can stand on its own once fully folded. Graco calls it the “one-second fold” and we can attest to that!

Staying with the one-handed features, the reclining seat can be adjusted to four positions with one hand. It may seem trivial or not worth mentioning, but when you’re dealing with a child, every convenience counts in our book.
It also has a large storage basket underneath, it will be able to carry practically all the essentials for your little one. Whether it’s for a day at the beach or a picnic at the park.

The very large canopy provides maximum sun protection for your child. The mesh vents prevent hot air from building up in the stroller on a hot day. And we all like having a peek-a-boo window built into a canopy, don’t we?
Additionally, the stroller has a large child’s tray with two cup holders. This is perfect for parents who want their children to have snacks at their fingertips and drinks at hand.

What We Don't Like

The Fastaction™ Fold Jogging Stroller has features of a jogging stroller, such as the three-wheel configuration, a lockable front wheel that can also swivel, and large air-filled rubber wheels. This is where the similarities end.

Please do not confuse this stroller with a performance jogging stroller. The Fastaction Fold Jogging Stroller has the appearance of a jogging stroller but lacks many essential features of a jogging stroller.

First of all, the handlebar is fixed, without adjustability, therefore, you may not find the handlebar to be comfortable while running. The handlebar may not suit running parents of vastly different heights, especially taller parents.

Secondly, this jogging stroller lacks any kind of suspension system. You may not have issues with flat ground and milder uneven terrain, but if you plan to take this stroller on rough terrain, you may find it uncomfortable for your child and difficult to control. We’re not asking for an all-wheel suspension, but even a basic built-in suspension system would provide a smoother ride. This Graco stroller is completely relying on the larger wheels to absorb the shock of uneven surfaces.

Thirdly, with a maximum weight capacity of 50-pounds, your child may quickly outgrow this jogging stroller. To get an idea of how long this stroller may last you, you can review Stanford Children’s Health Normal Growth Rate. With this chart, you can get a sense of when your child could exceed the weight limit.

The Travel System

The FastAction Fold Jogger is great in that it accepts all Click Connect Graco infant car seats, instantly transforming the stroller into a travel system.

However, if you prefer an infant car seat or already have one from another brand, it can’t be used with this stroller.

Regardless of which Graco car seat you own, this stroller will work well for your family. Alternatively, if you are interested in using a different brand’s car seat many other strollers have the same features and will accept other brands’ car seats.


  • Parent console and child tray
  • Two cup holders for parent and child
  • One-handed fold and it is self-standing
  • One-handed multi-position reclining seat
  • Large canopy with mesh vents
  • Parking brake/Foot brake
  • Large storage basket that can easily hold your diaper bag
  • Convertible three or five-point safety harness
  • The Click Connect™ allows you to attach any Graco® infant car seat and converts this jogging stroller into a travel system
  • No tools are required to assemble this stroller
  • Meets Disneyland theme parks’ stroller size requirements


  • It’s heavy at 31.97-pounds (14.5-kg)
  • With your child on board, it feels too top-heavy
  • This stroller lacks an adjustable handlebar
  • It lacks a hand brake or a twist brake
  • This stroller does not have a suspension system
  • The maximum weight capacity is only 50-pounds
  • The Click Connect™ will only accept Graco infant car seats.
  • The stroller does not come with a wrist strap

Important Specifications

Weight: 31.97-pounds (14.5-kg)
Length: 40-inches (101.6-cm)
Width: 24-inches (60.96-cm)
Height: 42-inches (106.68-cm)
Weight Capacity: 50-pounds (22.68-kg)
Folded Dimensions: 39″ x 23.6″ x 15.3″ (99.06 x 59.94 x 38.86-cm)

Who is This Stroller Designed For?

This Graco stroller was designed and built for the casual runner, a parent who lives in an area lacking smoother surfaces, or a parent who wants a smoother ride for their child on walks.

The Graco Fastaction Fold Jogging Stroller is highly maneuverable, making it easy to get around objects and tight spaces that are in your path while running or walking.

Final Words

The lack of wrist strap, hand brake, and adjustable suspension on this stroller made it obvious what type of jogging stroller this is.

To be completely frank, this stroller isn’t for serious runners and for those who can run at considerable speed. If running comfortably with your child is important, look at other models on the market geared toward performance.

Graco markets the FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller as a crossover stroller, but our team views this stroller more as a traditional stroller with large bicycle wheels.

The Graco FastAction Fold Jogging Stroller is a good choice if you don’t want to spend too much money. It’s less than $200, which makes it one of the most affordable on the market. It works well for quick errands, walks in the neighborhood, or going to the mall. It is perfect as an everyday stroller that can also double serve you on your occasional jog.

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