How To Choose The Right Jogging Stroller

Do You Need A Jogging Stroller To Run?

We all know that jogging strollers are a great way to get some exercise while taking your baby along for the ride. It’s one way to get that run in, while also watching your child. But there are some safety concerns when it comes to riding in a jogging stroller, especially with younger babies. Is your baby old enough? How do you know if he/she is ready? And what should you be looking for before deciding whether or not he/she can ride in a jogging stroller safely? We’ll answer those questions and more!

What Age Can I Use A Jogging Stroller?

While there isn’t an exact science for when your baby is ready. Most experts say that parents should wait to put their babies in a jogging stroller until he/she is at least six months old – but it’s important to take each child individually because every baby develops at their own pace! This could also mean waiting until your baby is eight months old. The bottom line, your baby must have the necessary neck strength and head control. When in doubt, consult with your pediatrician. Additionally, please follow the specific stroller manufacturer’s guidelines.

Here’s a little tidbit from my own experience. At four months old, during tummy time, my daughter could easily hold her head up for 10 minutes. However, I still resisted the urge to throw my daughter in the stroller and go out for a run. When the day finally arrived, it wasn’t a run, it was more like a brisk walk. In my case, I err on the side of caution.

Not too long ago, there were only a handful of jogging strollers on the market. Now there seems to be an endless number of these strollers, which can make choosing a stroller to feel overwhelming. Many of the top-of-the-line strollers share many of the same features and, so it may just come down to the safety and price.

Below are some key points to remember as you are doing your jogging stroller homework:

More Stability The Better

You’ll want to find a wide-based stroller so the child has a steadier foundation and is less likely to tip over. At high speeds, you could lose balance and tip the stroller over causing injury.

Five-Point Harness For Safety

A jogging stroller must have a five-point safety belt system to fully protect your baby while moving and the jarring motions of your run. Check to see if the buckles are easy for you to use, but would be difficult for your little one to unfasten. The straps should be height-adjustable for a proper fit, the waist strap should fit snugly, and the straps should be securely anchored.

Lock The Front Wheel

Make sure the stroller has a fixed front wheel, whether it has a permanent one or a swivel wheel that can lock. For running, you need to have that front wheel locked. At a fast pace, a stroller without a locked wheel can lead to instability and a possible crash.

Big Wheels For A Smoother Ride

The wheels on your everyday stroller are not suitable for running because they have a small diameter, are made of solid rubber, and aren’t designed with the proper suspension. Instead, look for dedicated jogging strollers that have large air-filled wheels, which roll more smoothly and absorb the imperfections of the running surface.

Adjustable Handlebars

Many jogging stroller models have an adjustable handlebar that can click into multiple positions so that shorter runners can jog as comfortably and for extended periods as taller parents. Many strollers’ handles can be adjusted with a range of up to 10-inches.  You may feel the feature may be insignificant, but your body will thank you after your run.

Brakes And Brakes

A hand brake can be a great addition to a jogging stroller if you live in an area with hills. The hand brake allows you to maintain form and pace when running downhill, rather than having to lean back to keep the stroller under control. This may not be a big deal on small inclines, but with long steep hills, a hand brake can help you maintain your good form and stay safe while out for your run. And, there is the factor of having that peace of mind knowing you have that extra safety feature when it involves your precious cargo. 

Since we are on the subject of brakes, I personally like jogging strollers with both a hand brake and a parking brake. They serve two different purposes but are both great features to have.

Wear Your Wrist Strap When You're Running

If you run in a hilly area or not, you must wear a safety wrist strap for your stroller. A wrist strap is usually included with your jogging stroller; if yours didn’t include one, for a few dollars, you can purchase one to attach. This strap will give an additional feeling of security when going down hills and will keep the stroller from getting away from you.

Does Your Child Meet the Minimums Of The Stroller?

Your child might be the right age, your child might have the neck strength, and your child might have the head control to ride in a jogging stroller; however, please make sure your child meets the minimum height and weight requirements for that particular stroller model.

The Weight Of A Jogging Stroller Should Be Considered

Consider the weight of the jogging stroller. Most strollers are in the neighborhood of 25-pounds and more, plus tack on the weight of your child, and it might be more of a workout than you were expecting. Please check the weight of the stroller you have your eye on. While we’re on the subject to weight, you might as well find out the maximum weight the stroller can safely support so you can get an idea of how long the stroller before your child outgrows it.

Jogging Strollers Are Not Very Portable

Jogging strollers aren’t known for portability nor folding size. We suggest reviewing the folded dimensions of the stroller. Even the smallest folded stroller may be difficult to wrestle in and out of your trunk. Although some jogging strollers’ wheels can be removed, but this adds to the inconvenience of getting going.

Casual or Serious Runner

As we all know, the perfect baby products for every single parent have yet to be created. Take a minute or two to get an idea of what you want in a jogging stroller.

Are you in the market for a jogging stroller for casual runners or serious runners?

For the casual runners, I’d probably suggest what I call a regular stroller with larger wheels. The Graco FastAction Fold Jogger is an example of this type of jogging stroller. They have all the creature comforts of traditional strollers like a child tray, parent tray, two cup holders, a generous canopy, reclining seat, and one-handed fold.

At the same time, having the features you would expect to find for any jogging stroller, such as a lockable front wheel, and built-in suspension, while also being able to tackle uneven surfaces and rough terrain. When it comes to bigger kids, these strollers don’t feel as stable and just feel top-heavy.

As for the price, these jogging strollers lack the sticker shock of the top-end, performance jogging strollers.

On the other hand, if running is a big part of your life, you might want to invest in a performance jogging stroller.

Performance strollers are a completely different beast. They are usually stripped-down strollers, lacking many comfort and convenience features for you and your child. Although, items like a child tray, parent console, and cup holders can be purchased separately from most manufacturers. You can still expect a large canopy, reclining seat, and one-handed fold.

These strollers are performance-driven. The suspension systems are so much better with so much more travel to absorb the roughest terrain. From flat ground to rough terrain, these strollers handle it with a breeze. There’s a good chance if you own a performance jogging stroller, you will be moving at a significant pace. This is where a good twist hand brake comes in and most jogging strollers come equipped with this style braking system.

Check For Recalls

Be mindful of recalls of strollers – especially if you buy a secondhand model. You can check for recalls at Consumer Product Safety Commission’s website. Some recalls have been issued for what seems an innocent problem, nevertheless, there is no harm in doing a bit more research.

We hope we have covered and provided all bases of selecting the right jogging stroller for running parents and your bundle of joy. Now go out and enjoy your run!

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